Chain drives and belt drives are the most common types of openers. Both types of openers have different benefits to accommodate your family’s needs and lifestyle.
Chain Drives operate by using a metal chain to run the garage door on its track. They are the least expensive openers available and the most commonly installed garage door opener. They also are the loudest openers. This is not necessarily a negative thing. If you want to know when someone is attempting to enter your home or your teenager is attempting to sneak out, a noisy garage door can be a valuable asset. As long as the garage door isn’t located under an area that will frequently disturb your household this is a good and affordable option.
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Belt drives run on a rubber belt allowing them to run smoothly and silently. It is considered a luxury opener because it is much quieter than all other openers like the screw and the chain drives. it could cost anywhere between $50 to $100 more than a chain drive, however, it would be a valuable investment if your garage door is located directly below your bedroom door.